Today I’m reviewing Rogue Hero by Rob Sinclair #blogtour #thriller #newrelease

Here’s the blurb

When a mystery bystander stops an assassination attempt on a prominent politician, it sparks a national search that captivates the nation…

Curtis Delaney watches the footage play out on the news, and immediately recognises the unidentified hero. He hasn’t seen his brother Finn in six years. He doesn’t know where he’s been in that time, or what he’s been doing. But there’s one thing he does know: Finn is no hero.

Curtis is determined to find his brother, but equally, Curtis is no detective. A husband and lawyer (and not the ‘good’ kind), with a mortgage and responsibilities, Curtis isn’t cut out for delving into whatever seedy business Finn has gotten involved with. But when armed men turn up on his doorstep, claiming to be FBI, he quickly realises he’s been left with no choice.

The hunt for the truth will take them from the Capitol building in Washington, to the sun-kissed beaches of Mexico, and the cold streets of London, uncovering secrets of fraud, blackmail and murder. Can the brothers reunite before the real hero is discovered by the wrong people?

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My Review

Rogue Hero by Rob Sinclair is a standalone novel told from the viewpoint of two brothers, Finn and Curtis Delaney, with a timeline that eventually merges, although they are not concurrent. Mostly set in the US and Mexico, we do have side trips to Italy and the UK.

Our two main characters are far from likeable, and neither are the individuals they interact with. There’s a lot going on. Both brothers have complex backstories and there is a huge cast of characters, although in the end, it does come down to a few main players.

Complex plotting sees the reader switching between the two brothers’ point of views, and also two different time lines. With a collection of unsavoury characters, possible FBI intervention, a possibly dirty-politician and a web of financial chaos, the eventual ending is somewhat unexpected.

A complex thriller, sure to appeal to fans of the genre.

Meet the author

Rob Sinclair is the million copy bestseller of over twenty thrillers, including the James Ryker series. Most recently published by Bloodhound, Boldwood will publish his latest action thriller, Rogue Hero, in June 2024 and will be republishing all the James Ryker series over the coming months.

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Author: MJ Porter, author

I'm a writer of historical fiction (Early England/Viking and the British Isles as a whole before 1066, as well as two 20th century mysteries).

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