Happy Release Day to The King’s Brother, the new Earls of Mercia book (yes, it’s book XI)

At last, and I’m with you on this one, it’s release day for The King’s Brother. This is book 11 in the Earls of Mercia series (but really 15th if you count the side stories of Wulfstan, Swein, Cnut and Lady Estrid), and it’s been really hard to return to a world I’ve not written about for near enough three years, but also thoroughly enjoyable to encounter Leofric and Ælfgar once more.

Huge thanks to my very patient fans. Moving forward, I’m hoping for one book a year. But enough of that. Now is the time to celebrate The King’s Brother.

Here’s the blurb

England, AD1045

King Edward has married into the powerful House of Godwine, alongside making his wife’s brother, Sweyn Godwineson, Earl of Hereford. The House of Leofwine has received nothing, despite their continuing loyalty to the new king.

With the kingdom threatened by the pretensions of King Magnus of Norway, seeking to make good on the claim that he and Harthacnut agreed to inherit each other’s kingdoms should the other die first, King Edward is determined to build a ship army to counter anything his enemy might attempt.

But while the king’s eye is on external enemies, there are those closer to home determined to cause the king problems, most notably Sweyn Godwineson, who allies with the Welsh king responsible for the death of Eadwine Leofwineson, and then abducts the abbess of Leominster, refusing to give her up. With his sister as the king’s wife, Sweyn believes he can’t be touched until the church acts against him and he’s excommunicated and outlawed.

And Sweyn Godwineson hasn’t finished causing his king problems. When he returns to England without the king’s permission, desperate to recover his landed wealth and possessions, Sweyn finds more than just the House of Leofwine determined against his reinstatement.

Desperate men will take desperate actions, even the king’s brother.

Purchase Link


Available in ebook, paperback and with Kindle Unlimited.

Check out the Earls of Mercia series.

Author: MJ Porter, author

I'm a writer of historical fiction (Early England/Viking and the British Isles as a whole before 1066, as well as two 20th century mysteries).

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