Meet the characters in Clash of Kings, Athelstan the Ealdorman

Confusingly, Athelstan the Ealdorman shares the same name as King Athelstan of the English, a fact I allow the pair to find amusing because of the uncertainty it causes.

Athelstan is the son of an ealdorman, and one of four brothers, although one has already died . Athelstan, Eadric and Æthelwald are held in high regard by King Athelstan and all become ealdormen.

In my version of events, Athelstan is married to Lady Ælfwynn, the cousin of King Athelstan and daughter of Æthelflæd, the lady of Mercia, a suggestion that isn’t widely accepted, but is certainly a possibility, thus making him a member of King Athelstan’s extended family. His epithet, the Half-King could have arisen because he was indeed married to the king’s cousin (under Athelstan, Edmund and Eadred).

Even if Athelstan Half King wasn’t married to the daughter of Lady Æthelflæd of Mercia, it seems he was married to an Ælfwynn. He was a powerful man, building a dynasty, and also part of a powerful dynasty. Between him and his brothers, they must often have been found at the court of the king in the tenth-century. Athelstan was the ealdorman of East Anglia, his older brother, Ælfstan, one of the ealdormen of Mercia (930-934) before his death, while Eadric was an ealdorman of Wessex (942-949), and Æthelwald was an ealdorman of Kent (940-946).

Athelstan the ealdorman seemed an obvious choice for me to develop as a character in the series. He’s closely bound to the ruling family, married into it, and he’s also a warrior who fought at the battle of Brunanburh. His influence continues to grow in Clash of Kings. His relationships with his brothers was also fun to explore. Powerful men, with warriors at their command, and fiercely invested in the future of the English kingdom.

Read Clash of Kings to continue their story.

(13th January 2024)

Check out the Brunanburh Series page for more information about the historical characters featured in the Brunanburh series.

Author: MJ Porter, author

I'm a writer of historical fiction (Early England/Viking and the British Isles as a whole before 1066, as well as two 20th century mysteries).

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